The Covid-19 virus outbreak in late 2019 / early 2020 led to a surge of remote working, where the majority of EU white collar workforce was compelled to work in an out-of-office setting; this comes to a sharp contrast compared to past years, where just 5-10% of EU employees have been working remotely, according to Eurostat. One of the most pressing challenges that emerged has been the possibility of a lasting workplace change, where a greater part of the workforce works out of premises. The prospect of a remote work transition creates uncertainty and distress to workers all over the world, as normal work patterns, modes of communication, and team dynamics will be disrupted; it is only a small share of the workforce that is already familiar with this mode of work. For most, there is an emerging substantial need to improve relevant soft and hard skills and competences, ranging from digital, social & communicating skills to setting up and running a home office and work routines, and maintaining a work-life balance and healthy lifestyle. REMSKA project’s outputs will be some tools for responding to this challenge. |
REMSKA, aims to deliver high quality learning opportunities for the upskilling of the workforce, applicable across all occupational fields where remote work is/can be practiced To that end, REMSKA objectives are to: OBJ1: Design an evidence-based course curriculum on remote working skills for adults. OBJ2: Develop flexible training delivery methods (e-book, MOOC) and innovative open access resources to support individuals in acquiring and developing remote working skills. OBJ3: Support self-assessment of key competences for the remote work era. OBJ4: Create and provide access to tools and guidelines addressing technological and organizational aspects of remote work. |
European adult education providers have the possibility to use the REMSKA learning units and material to update the content of their training offerings, in order to address existing Anyone can access the REMSKA MOOC and e-book for non-formal self-directed learning to improve their own competences Adult education providers, employers and other stakeholders, such as career The best practice guide covering technological and organisational aspects of remote work will provide all interested parties with insights on how to improve their remote work practices |
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