The objective of this output is to facilitate the development of high quality learning opportunities that support and reinforce key competences for the emerging remote work era. |
The course curriculum structure (syllabus) on remote work skills and competences can be used by adult education providers, HR management staff or inhouse trainers. The curriculum includes a statement of purpose, the course contents, the course activities and learning practices, as well as the processes for assessing learners’ progress and a Learning Agreement, defining learning objectives and setting out conditions for their achievement. |
The materials include lecture notes, slide presentations, case studies, FAQs, and audio-visual aids. The assessment materials are useful to evaluate the extent to which learners have attained the desirable knowledge and skills. |
It is a handbook to support trainers in delivering a course for the development of skills and competences pertaining to remote work. The handbook provides guidelines on training adults with the use of the REMSKA training and assessment material for each learning unit, and instructions on developing additional material and resources in accordance with REMSKA learning outcomes. The REMSKA trainer handbook also contains detailed case studies, practical exercises, background readings, and links of interest. |
This output is a learner’s e-book offering learners: quick access point to all the course’s information and knowledge. The e-book includes text extracts from the developed learning materials to allow learners continue the theoretical part of their training anytime and at any place, with or without internet access. |
This Output is a set of tools for the facilitation of remote work including: a) a set of self-assessment tools on skills, readiness, and attitudes towards working remotely, b) a best practice guide covering both technological and organizational aspects of remote work, as well as a Statement of Support (SoS) for the validation and endorsement of the REMSKA resources, and c) a set of tools, including protocols, guidelines and checklists facilitating remote work practices and processes. The overriding objective of this output is to provide the necessary resources allowing persons employed or looking for employment to set pathways for their further development through self-assessment. |
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.